Home Contents is an easy way to make an inventory of all your home possessions. Each item record allows you to note the cost of the item, the date purchased, a description of the item and its location in your home. Options allow you to view the full list, a specific item, list by location, or a chart of the items. You can also print the lists. This is a quick attempt at a Home Inventory program, I'm sure that there are many better ones available ;-) The only claim I make for my programs is that they are basically easy to use which may be important to some people.
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Home Contents zit ik al jaren te wachten en zoals vaak per toeval plots ontdekt. Eindelijk es werk maken van een duidelijk registratie-overzicht van alle aangeschafte spullen. Nuttig voor verzekeringen, politie, notaris en dé erfgenamen - al dan niet (reeds) per
handgeschreven akte aangeduid. Nog meer handige huis-en-tuin-freeware van Mike Fletcher ontdek je bij
Tight Cannon
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