Sangean says
RM / DAB Band III / FM / AM / LW / SW
- RDS, AMSS & Radio text or DLS
- MP3 Playback and recording on SD
- Humane wake System on Radio or Buzzer Alarm
- 12 Alarm Settings
- Timed recording
- Clock with Auto Update
- EPG, Pause Plus, SPDIF and Key Lock
- 6 Presets for each Wavesband
- with SD slot and USB connection
- with SAI und USB connection
- with RF-antenna and BAR Antenna
- Audio Out and headphone Connection
- With AC-adapter / operates also on DC (Batteries not included)
300 Euro voor de eerste all-in DRM-radio ? Dat moet lukken gezien ik elke dag 1 Euro in dump in een bierblik-spaarpot. Of wacht ik toch nog vijf volle maanden op de Kerstman?
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