Big 1008 AM
Sinds gisteren 8 over 10 zijn m'n buddies terug op volle kracht via 100 en acht. Radio 10 Gold live vanuit hun 5 hoog 50s-pand op de hoek van de Amsterdamse Vijzelgracht via een 600 Kw-zender uit Zeewolde. Was me dat wat begin jaren 90 toen de toenmalige Nederlandse regering vond dat Radio 10 een buitenlandse zender moest zijn om op de kabel te mogen.
We hebben dan maar die befaamde U-bocht genomen : eindregie via de Tollaan bij partner in crime Canal + Vlaanderen. In 3 shiften wisselden Herbert Visser, Ron Bisschop en Edo Peters elkaar af om het Amsterdamse ISDN-signaal via sat-uplink te Liedekerke te mengen met hun nieuwsbulletins via een Revox-mengertje.

Ben-K Rock- Collins plus me
Herbert maakte er wat van : bleef in de studio slapen, joeg de Esselte-telefoonrekening dusdanig de hoogte in. Uiteindelijk besloot de Ollandse Kamer dat Radio 10 zonder omweg op de kabel mocht en nu via veiling op 1008 Khz.
Ferry Maat verzon de teksten bij de jingles van JAM-Dallas. En dat is nu net de firma waar we volgend voorjaar met diezelfde bende van toen gaan buurten ten huize van John and Mary Wolfert. Friends for life ? For sure ! We kunnen er een matchke voetbal doen : Rood versus Oranje and Dallas cheer-girls ...
Tot slot voor onze overseas-2005 trip to John and Mary (JAM) dit unieke verhaal over hun passie:
1985 was a very busy year for JAM. There were several CHR and A-C formatted stations competing in almost every city, and JAM did the jingles for most of them. Countdown shows abounded, and you could hear JAM on one after another. To take a "snapshot in time" of that moment, we wrote and recorded The JAM Song.
In order to create as accurate a time capsule as possible, each station's logo melody was correct (as of the day we recorded it) and each station's call letters were sung by the same combination of singers who sang their most recent JAM package. This required lots of research and many different recording sessions which spanned about three weeks.
We originally pressed The JAM Song onto a 7" record at 33 1/3 rpm, and mailed it out as a promotional item in September 1985. The back of the record jacket contained the song lyrics and credits, and identified the location of each station mentioned. In 1994 we digitally re-mastered The JAM Song from the original 30 ips master tape and released it on our 20th anniversary commemorative CD, "The First 20 Years". That release is now available here as an mp3 download.
The JAM Song takes a whimsical look at what we do, and predicts a time when you'll hear JAM jingles coming from other galaxies. There's even a brief aircheck of a station which identifies itself as "Zorp Furble, Andromeda". It shows that despite language differences, radio and jingles are truly universal.
Many formats and call letters have changed since 1985, but it's still fun to look back. We hope you enjoy "The JAM Song".
The lyrics for "The JAM Song" were written by JAM founder Jonathan Wolfert, who was also responsible for the concept and final mix. The music was written and arranged by Bruce Upchurch, who was a JAM staff writer and vocalist at the time. You can read other credits and the lyrics on the back of the record jacket.
Over the years most people have assumed that Zorp Furble is the name of the the alien DJ at the end of the piece. But it was actually meant to be the name of the alien radio station; hence the legal ID jingle "Zorp Furble, Andromeda". You'll also hear the station run a "say it and win" phone-in contest with a female listener giving the correct answer ("Zorp Furble", of course). The voice of the DJ speaking Andromedese is Dallas copywriter Steve White; the contest winner is his wife Kathy.
The back of our JAM company letterhead is blue, with some wavy musical notes in white. The music is not just a random graphic design. It's the the 7-voice vocal arrangement to the pretty middle section of "The JAM Song", which ends with the phrase "the sound of JAM is everywhere you go."
In 2002, the 60s channel of XM Satellite Radio actually used the ending of The JAM Song in a promo. So 17 years after it was recorded, the prophecy came true... now you can hear JAM jingles, and Zorp Furble, coming from space. It's not exactly another galaxy (yet) but it's only a matter of time.
Weekend ze begot, sit back and listen naar The Jam Song - kippenvel ze (6MB-mp3)en kompaan Dave Donkervoort was weer spitsvondig tussen de files.
Sinds gisteren 8 over 10 zijn m'n buddies terug op volle kracht via 100 en acht. Radio 10 Gold live vanuit hun 5 hoog 50s-pand op de hoek van de Amsterdamse Vijzelgracht via een 600 Kw-zender uit Zeewolde. Was me dat wat begin jaren 90 toen de toenmalige Nederlandse regering vond dat Radio 10 een buitenlandse zender moest zijn om op de kabel te mogen.
We hebben dan maar die befaamde U-bocht genomen : eindregie via de Tollaan bij partner in crime Canal + Vlaanderen. In 3 shiften wisselden Herbert Visser, Ron Bisschop en Edo Peters elkaar af om het Amsterdamse ISDN-signaal via sat-uplink te Liedekerke te mengen met hun nieuwsbulletins via een Revox-mengertje.

Ben-K Rock- Collins plus me
Herbert maakte er wat van : bleef in de studio slapen, joeg de Esselte-telefoonrekening dusdanig de hoogte in. Uiteindelijk besloot de Ollandse Kamer dat Radio 10 zonder omweg op de kabel mocht en nu via veiling op 1008 Khz.
Ferry Maat verzon de teksten bij de jingles van JAM-Dallas. En dat is nu net de firma waar we volgend voorjaar met diezelfde bende van toen gaan buurten ten huize van John and Mary Wolfert. Friends for life ? For sure ! We kunnen er een matchke voetbal doen : Rood versus Oranje and Dallas cheer-girls ...
Tot slot voor onze overseas-2005 trip to John and Mary (JAM) dit unieke verhaal over hun passie:
1985 was a very busy year for JAM. There were several CHR and A-C formatted stations competing in almost every city, and JAM did the jingles for most of them. Countdown shows abounded, and you could hear JAM on one after another. To take a "snapshot in time" of that moment, we wrote and recorded The JAM Song.
In order to create as accurate a time capsule as possible, each station's logo melody was correct (as of the day we recorded it) and each station's call letters were sung by the same combination of singers who sang their most recent JAM package. This required lots of research and many different recording sessions which spanned about three weeks.
We originally pressed The JAM Song onto a 7" record at 33 1/3 rpm, and mailed it out as a promotional item in September 1985. The back of the record jacket contained the song lyrics and credits, and identified the location of each station mentioned. In 1994 we digitally re-mastered The JAM Song from the original 30 ips master tape and released it on our 20th anniversary commemorative CD, "The First 20 Years". That release is now available here as an mp3 download.
The JAM Song takes a whimsical look at what we do, and predicts a time when you'll hear JAM jingles coming from other galaxies. There's even a brief aircheck of a station which identifies itself as "Zorp Furble, Andromeda". It shows that despite language differences, radio and jingles are truly universal.
Many formats and call letters have changed since 1985, but it's still fun to look back. We hope you enjoy "The JAM Song".
The lyrics for "The JAM Song" were written by JAM founder Jonathan Wolfert, who was also responsible for the concept and final mix. The music was written and arranged by Bruce Upchurch, who was a JAM staff writer and vocalist at the time. You can read other credits and the lyrics on the back of the record jacket.
Over the years most people have assumed that Zorp Furble is the name of the the alien DJ at the end of the piece. But it was actually meant to be the name of the alien radio station; hence the legal ID jingle "Zorp Furble, Andromeda". You'll also hear the station run a "say it and win" phone-in contest with a female listener giving the correct answer ("Zorp Furble", of course). The voice of the DJ speaking Andromedese is Dallas copywriter Steve White; the contest winner is his wife Kathy.
The back of our JAM company letterhead is blue, with some wavy musical notes in white. The music is not just a random graphic design. It's the the 7-voice vocal arrangement to the pretty middle section of "The JAM Song", which ends with the phrase "the sound of JAM is everywhere you go."
In 2002, the 60s channel of XM Satellite Radio actually used the ending of The JAM Song in a promo. So 17 years after it was recorded, the prophecy came true... now you can hear JAM jingles, and Zorp Furble, coming from space. It's not exactly another galaxy (yet) but it's only a matter of time.
Weekend ze begot, sit back and listen naar The Jam Song - kippenvel ze (6MB-mp3)en kompaan Dave Donkervoort was weer spitsvondig tussen de files.
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